Four people seated around a table in a modern office setting,with a large digital screen behind them

The importance of a healthy workplace culture is difficult to overstate. When workplace culture is strong, metrics improve across nearly every area of business operations. The simple reality is that happy, engaged employees are generally more efficient and productive, which contributes to overall business success. 

But a positive workplace culture isn’t driven by any one thing – there’s no silver bullet when it comes to building a place that’s great to work. Both tangible and intangible factors play an important role in shaping the culture of an organization. Great benefits, clear progression pathways, ample learning opportunities, meaningful work, and effective leadership are just a few examples of what can create a truly great working environment.

But when you look at everything that can make or break workplace culture, there’s one key factor that clearly makes a huge impact across every sector, in any market: communication. 

Communication underpins our ability to create a workplace where employees feel valued, understood, and appreciated. Communication is also fundamental to internal collaboration and teamwork, and it’s well-established that effective communication at work contributes directly to improvements in organizational culture.

Of course, most organizations understand that strong internal communications are critical for developing a great workplace culture, but many find themselves wondering exactly how they can level-up in this area. In this article, we’ll dig deeper into the importance of clear, effective communications for supporting a positive workplace culture. Next, we’ll explain how digital screens make it easy and fast for teams to get their most important messages across, and we’ll finish with a review of the specific ways that Yodeck drives better communications across organizations and teams. 

Οne individual helping the other climb higher, symbolizing support and teamwork

Clear communication supports collaboration and drives better workplace Culture

Slack is one of the most popular business messaging tools on the planet, and an authority on helping teams communicate more effectively. In a recent survey, Slack discovered that effective communication was key to better collaboration, which has a direct, positive impact on workplace culture. Specifically, workers around the world identified easy communication with coworkers as the top enabler of better collaboration. Second to easy communication, clear responsibilities – which flow from strong and straightforward corporate communications – were identified as contributing to stronger collaboration and, ultimately, to healthy organizational culture.

It’s clear that communication supports collaboration and drives better workplace culture. When communication is easy and clear, employees are able to exchange information and ideas more freely, and avoid conflict or confusion more easily. Plus, better internal communication leads to better external messaging: by making it easier for employees to get aligned on company goals and identity, organizations can empower teams to become more effective ambassadors for their brand and business. 

Of course, this kind of success isn’t achieved overnight, and much of it depends upon whether a company is utilizing the right communication channels, in the right way. 

Digital screens: Technology that transforms your workplace communications

Leveraging the right technologies is critical for driving better workplace communication. When you use the right tools at the right time, it’s infinitely easier to engage your employees and get your messages across. 

Digital screens are a powerful tool for engaging and informing employees. From general news and announcements, to personalized information or alerts, presentations, scheduling, and data dashboards, there’s an incredible amount of ways that digital screens can drive faster, easier, better communication at work. A Yodeck original survey of professionals working across a number of industries revealed that a staggering 86% of respondents believe that in-office digital signage improves productivity. And when it comes to the power of digital signage to actually help businesses retain employees, 69% of respondents said that screens played an important role in minimizing employee turnover. Specifically, the survey found that digital signage helps organizations to engage employees better from day one by delivering more streamlined onboarding and training, and fostering a culture of communication and collaboration. 

There are many ways that digital signage can facilitate more effective workplace communication, and drive better workplace culture. From traditional use cases to more surprising applications, digital screens are a versatile and adaptable way to transform how your organization approaches its communications.  

An individual working on the laptop

Five ways that Yodeck drives better communication across your organization

Digital screens can revolutionize the way your business and teams communicate. The possibilities for better collaboration, deeper understanding, and more efficient information sharing are vast. 

Below, we review five key ways that Yodeck drives better communication across your organization, and help you build better workplace culture.

  1. Promoting workplace wellbeing:

One of the surest ways to create a positive workplace culture is to ensure that your workplace is safe and healthy for all team members. Digital signage supports workplace wellbeing by making it easier for employees to stay aware of health and safety news or alerts, and by providing a source of information for workplace wellness initiatives that’s easy to access. Digital signage can also support psychological safety: by making sure that employees have uncomplicated access to the information they need, digital screens can improve confidence and reduce stress across your organization.

  1. Encouraging employee recognition:

When employees feel valued and appreciated, they tend to work more productively, more confidently, and more impactfully. Digital screens make it easy for businesses to recognize employee achievements, highlight important contributions, and share important news such as promotions, new joiners, or work anniversaries. By making it easier for you to share this kind of news with your teams, digital screens support a more positive, people-focussed workplace culture.

  1. Keeping information fresh and relevant:

It’s difficult to build a great workplace culture when your teams aren’t up to date with the latest news, announcements, or information. But with digital screens, your business can easily set up mini ‘hubs’ where employees can access content that’s being updated in real-time. 

  1. Increasing transparency and data sharing:

Digital screens can be used to facilitate the top-down sharing of information and data across your business. By sharing information about company goals, changes, personnel, or departments across your digital screens, you can instantly create a feeling of deeper connectedness among your employees and teams.

  1. Sharing values and beliefs:

Ultimately, you can’t create a great workplace culture unless your employees know what that culture means, and what it should look like. Digital screens are a fantastic channel for reinforcing your wider organizational mission, vision, and goals. By utilizing your digital signage in this way, you can strengthen your brand identity and drive a workplace culture that’s rooted in your values and beliefs. 

Start with an Intelligent Digital Signage Platform

Building better workplace culture doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen because of any one individual factor. But it is clear that communication is absolutely key for creating a workplace where employees feel valued, informed, and motivated.

Transforming your communications into something that can support a better workplace culture and drive better business outcomes, requires a combination of the right philosophy and the right technology. 

Digital signage can be a powerful tool for taking your communications to the next level. By increasing opportunities for information sharing, digital screens can promote workplace wellbeing, making it easier for you to recognise your employees, help keep your content relevant and up to date, increase transparency throughout your organization, and advance your brand and business values. 

But it’s not every digital signage software that can help you move the needle when it comes to workplace culture.

Yodeck is the first and only intelligent digital signage platform that’s purpose built to ensure that your messages always get across to your most important audience. With a vast library of free templates and apps carefully designed to streamline your content creation and management process, and drag and drop playlists that support all of your favorite media, Yodeck makes it possible for any team, of any size, to easily, quickly take their approach to office communications to the next level. 

Yodeck is more than digital signage software. It’s a resource-rich platform that does the heavy lifting for you, so that you can focus on what matters most: deploying content that makes an impact. With user-friendly features that enable you to remotely refresh or update content in real-time, you’ll be in total control of your communications, from the minute you get set up, no matter which plan you choose.

Creating a better workplace culture is a lot easier when you have the right tools in place. To learn more about how Yodeck is helping businesses around the world improve their communications, just browse our case studies. 

If you’re ready to get started for free, just use this link