You’ve got a nose for business, right? It’s why your company went from a fledgling startup to a fast-growing trendsetter.
If it’s all about believing your gut, then you’re one in a million buddy. The rest of us need cold hard data to base our marketing decisions on. Data dashboards take the mystery and risk out of it so you can see steady sustainable growth. Display your data dashboards on digital signage screens and your whole team works in tandem to design a solid marketing strategy.
The beauty of data dashboards
Sometimes things work perfectly as you try to grow your company. Other times, marketing’s a nightmare. Either way, your growth strategy must be data-driven in order to make the right decisions, at the right time, for a specific solution. For this reason, relying on data dashboards could just be the best decision you ever made.

Just think about it. Data dashboards give you the big picture about your online marketing activities, in real time. From page views to conversion rates, you need to know what’s working and what isn’t in order to fine-tune your strategy. In fact, data-driven decision-making constitutes the only way to ensure outcome-oriented success. Use data dashboards and your entire task got much easier. Why? Because they automatically generate data reports, KPIs and analytics. No need to waste precious talent on data-gathering. Additionally, it’s all up-to-the-minute accurate. Combine data dashboards and digital signage and you’ve got a secret weapon.
Decision-making made more effective
Get your data dashboards on your digital signage screens and you’ll have a much better marketing strategy. Why? Firstly, with everyone reviewing mission-critical data, you have the power of your entire team brainstorming for your company’s success. Secondly, with your data dashboards on digital signage screens, all your employees work with the same up-to-the-second data. Gone are the days when teams got too busy to share the latest info. Also, it helps build a strong team spirit as everyone feels they’re working together, and can share successes and failures.
Specifically, there are – you guessed it – cold hard data that verifies the benefits of using digital signage in your company offices. In fact, 59% of people want to find out more about what they see on digital signage screens. How’s that for employee engagement? In addition, you’ll get a 20-25% productivity boost just from using digital signage screens in your offices. Harness the power of a tag team made up of data dashboards and digital signage, and your marketing decisions reach new heights.
Give Google Analytics the green light
Google Analytics is one of those data dashboards you just can’t do without. Your website is your new storefront if you want to reach customers across the globe. With Google Analytics, you know exactly what works and what doesn’t with your website. It gives you the actionable data you need to create a successful online content and marketing strategy. It works exceptionally well for data-driven decisions and is an essential part of any growth strategy.
And because we know you also want all the benefits of seeing it on your digital signage screens, Yodeck created an easy Google Analytics app for you.

Get Google Analytics on screen with a few clicks using Yodeck
Because we know you mean business, we’ve made apps for data dashboards super easy to use. Just log in to your Yodeck account, click on the create a new app button, select Google Analytics and put in your Google Analytics credentials. Afterwards, just paste in the URL of the Analytic you want and set the reporting period. That’s it!
And don’t forget, Yodeck works on your own standard Raspberry Pi. If you really want it hassle-free, just order a Yodeck player with your WiFi credentials pre-configured. Also, Yodeck’s totally free for one screen. And if you’ve got more than 1 screen, get an annual subscription and our Raspberry 4 player comes totally free.
Data dashboards and digital signage are a real dream team
You have to make the best marketing decisions possible if you want your company to succeed. It’s why data dashboards works so well to give you the data you need to hammer out your growth strategy. Combine data dashboards and digital signage, and you’ve got your whole team working towards your goals with increased productivity and focus.