Yodeckers, Christmas actually did come in July (well, August) for us because we got a series of important customer review awards that made us do a techy happy dance (we should’ve video’ed it for you so you could see all our goofiness). When you say you love our product, it ignites our passion x 1,000 to make Yodeck an even better, more useful service for you. Also, check out the Best of the Blog series below for some helpful tips and timely refreshers on how to get the most out of digital signage.
Yodeck voted #1 Easiest to Use by customers & G2 leader awards

Thank you for your support! Your reviews got us G2’s Summer 2022 Momentum Leader, Leader, and Users Love Us awards. So thank you for taking the time and effort to write a review – and most of all for giving us that extra fire in our belly to create an even better product for you.
You also helped us rank as the #1 Easiest to Use in SoftwareReviews.com’s digital signage category for 2022, and for us, that’s the best pat on the back we could dream of. Our mission when we founded Yodeck was to make sure it’s super easy and super affordable so that it’s accessible to ALL organizations and all teams. Super affordable is a given – all you need to do is some quick market research to fact-check that claim. But super easy? That needed to be tested in the real world, by real users like you. So the fact that your reviews got us #1 Easiest to Use, means we gave you the kind of service you need to make your professional signaging as enjoyable and friction-free as possible. You even made us a Gold Medal Finisher.
Top blog articles for timeless digital signage tips and tricks

These articles are oldies but goodies, that will help both Yodeck newcomers and seasoned users better connect with viewers, save money and optimize digital signage strategies. Consider it a crash (or refresher) course in best practices, so you avoid any pitfalls.
- Optimal Digital Signage Screen Location: Three Rules of Thumb
- The Art of Digital Signage Content: Getting people glued to your screen (and not their own)
- Going Green with Digital Signage: Save the planet and your wallet
- Helpful Tips to Create the Perfect Digital Signage Playlist
- Tips for a Smart & Savvy Digital Signage Schedule
- And for the office crowd….. 86% Say Office Digital Signage Improves Productivity
Also, please let us know if there are any topics you’d like us to write up as a future blog article.
More feature improvements to help with your signage tasks

While our engineers are hard at work perfecting Yodeck support for BrightSign and Android players, they also spruced up a few other features. Firstly, you will now see all order details during the purchase process, live, as you add more subscriptions or buy more players. Helpful info such as the total cost (this is Yodeck, so no worries there!) and any discounts or free players (more yays for you) also appear.
Also, the Birthday App now has more font customization options. You can choose any font size you want, and we improved the default font size. But what about those days when no one has a birthday? Well, we got that covered too. You can add a fallback image – we suggest something dream-worthy, like lush sandy beaches or mysterious castles to make up for the lack of cake (or after-work drinks, whichever way your team likes to party).
Release Notes
- We cast a mid-summer redesign spell on our purchasing wizard. Most importantly, you can now see all your order details on the right side of your screen, throughout the whole purchasing process. It’ll show you the total cost (usually this would be a yikes, but it’s Yodeck so it’s a yay!), if you get free players or any discounts (yay #2), and your full subscription. Also, you’ll then go to a new page so you can review your whole order before adding your billing details. Magically helpful? That’s the point.
- You can now enable the “Keep web pages open” option when you have layouts in playlists. Specifically, this allows for smoother transitions for heavy web pages that need a lot of time to load. Because we’ll keep web pages open in the background, they don’t need to reload each time they appear in the playlist. To activate it, just go to ‘playback option’ in the playlist. However, you’ll need to have the 2GB RPi Player or above, as it does request more memory from the device.
- Our Birthday Widget got an early birthday present. We gave it a full set of new customization options, including the ability to change font size and a better default font size. Also, if no one has a birthday on any particular day, you can set a fallback image to display. We know, it’s little consolation for the lack of cake, but photos of tropical islands usually sugar the pill.
Bugs fixed
- There was a bit of a blooper when you scheduled a single GIF to be displayed at a specific time during the day. For some reason (ah, the mysteries we encounter), the player didn’t change the default content to the scheduled GIF content. Watson would be proud of us, as the scheduling transition happens seamlessly now.
- Also, when you wanted to display a 4K video without audio, the player couldn’t upload it, so there was a much-dreaded black screen. We fixed that fast, and audio-less 4K videos appear in full-colored glory.