Get ready to signage, fellow Yodeckers, because we’ve got the goods for you with our latest software update.
Audio volume scheduling means you can now tailor the player’s volume output level to fit your changing business needs. Sick of struggling with Ethernet-less WiFi setup? Use Yodeck’s cool new WiFi installation wizard and it’ll be a breeze.
Super-simple Audio Volume Scheduling is here

Need different sound levels at different times of day? Our new Audio Volume Scheduling feature for Pro and Enterprise plans lets you do just that. We’ve made it quick and easy for you to set various audio output levels for your player right from the Yodeck Portal. And guess what? It’s just as easy and user-friendly as our Content Scheduling feature. Decide what times of day you need louder or softer volume output levels, drag & drop for item priority, and control schedule duration. We bet it will be extremely handy for businesses with fluctuating customer traffic like shops, restaurants, bars and malls.
Behold the wonderfully easy WiFi installation wizard!
Want to set up your WiFi connection but don’t have an Ethernet cable handy? No worries! SD Card readers and confusing instructions are a thing of the past with our brand-new WiFi Installation Wizard. Simply plug a keyboard into your player, type in your WiFi credentials and voilà! You’re good to go, IT skills not required. It can’t get any easier.
Odds & Ends that Pack a Punch
There’s more than Audio Volume Scheduling. We’re not talking details here either. Just take a gander at all these powerful extras you’ll put to use right away.
- As of now, we’re cutting your bandwidth usage way down. How? Instead of automatically updating screenshots for all players every 30 seconds when you are online, it now only happens when you access a specific player. As long as you’re editing, it’ll update. No edits, no new player screenshots.
- Always wanted Two-Factor Authentication? You got it. No matter what plan you have.
- Yodeck supports the Raspberry Pi A+!
- The Yodeck portal’s sporting a brand new look. In short, new color scheme, small functionality tweaks, all the same awesomeness.
- Playback Reports are available for all new Pro and Enterprise plan subscribers.
Release Notes
- Most importantly, we created a new scheduling feature where you can control the player’s volume output straight from the Yodeck Portal. You get all the flexibility of the regular scheduling feature, including the possibility to set item priority, so you can regulate audio volume to fit your changing business needs.
- Our CSS has a brand new look! We changed the color scheme and tweaked the layout.
- Now data screen shots are uploaded only when you access each player. They get updated every 30 seconds, only as long as you’re making changes to that player. Previously, data screen shots were updated automatically for all players. Your bandwidth usage will go way down with this change.
- We revamped the WiFi installation wizard! If you want to set up your WiFi connection without an Ethernet cable, we’ve made it much easier for you. Just connect a keyboard to the player and enter your credentials. An SD card reader is no longer required.
- Yodeck now supports the Raspberry Pi A+!
- Playback reports are available as a wide-release feature with the new Pro and Enterprise plans.
- Two-Factor Authentication is now available for all accounts, old and new.
- We optimized the Yodeck portal’s layout for mobile use.
- Our App Library has a new look! We added icons, a menu, it’s easier to organize and there’s a guide for how to fill out each field.
- We fixed a bug where Chromium created system instability when it processed content-heavy pages. It works fine now!
- When you click Save in the Billing and Shipping tabs, you are now notified of all required fields that are missing information automatically.
- We fixed a bug where some fields were left blank when you duplicated devices. Now all fields are copied.
- Now when you input the wrong token in Two-Factor Authentication, you are no longer locked out.
- Moreover, we fixed a bug so direct links from bookmarked pages take you to the page you want immediately after login. Previously, you were directed to the dashboard.
- Now when you move folders from one Workspace to another, you no longer see the + sign that indicated the moved folder was still nested.
- We fixed a bug where if you went back after creating a new app, the header kept the old name. It now works and the name field is blank.
- Previously, when you performed an account admin deletion, the link account directed you to the old view. We fixed the bug.
- In the Subscription Wizard you now see the discount you’re entitled to, when you upgrade your plans.
- Furthermore, we made our in-app update announcements clearer by including the timezone (city) used for calculating the local time of the update.
- Last, but not least, after any scheduled maintenance is completed, the Yodeck portal reloads automatically and you don’t need to refresh the maintenance page.