Yodeck supporting SkillsUSA

Present and future generations of America’s technically skilled workforce convened this week. Where? At one of the most important events on the tech training and education calendar.

Display a web page on the Raspberry Pi like a pro

Ever wanted to simply display a given web page on your Raspberry Pi? Whether it’s to share a dashboard with some key metrics on a common workplace screen, or simply to display the latest news or weather, it’s a great way to show your content.

Use any HDMI device as Video-in for Yodeck

Having an HDMI-in port can be a really powerful feature. You can use any set-top box (or other HDMI source) as a video source and simply add content to it! You just need a $36 adapter.

Raspberry Pi Zero W for Fullscreen

The Raspberry Pi Zero W costs $8. Compare that against the $35 of a Raspberry Pi, and you can understand why we get requests for supporting it.

Yodeck Web Scripting Engine

Automating user actions on a Web Page was a frequently asked feature. Mostly for authentication. But we took it further.