Evolution of intelligent digital signage

Digital signage is far more than content displayed on a screen. With the right platform, it can be a powerful asset that helps you get your most important messages across, so that you can create stronger connections with your audience. Put simply, digital signage—whether used for customer service, restaurant menus, promotional ads, campus maps, or a variety of other use cases—is the cornerstone of an engaging and effective customer experience.

The evolution of digital signage has been propelled by innovations in technology which have made it easier for organizations to get the most out of their investment in digital screens. Cloud-based solutions have made it possible for businesses to scale their digital signage efforts across a large number of screens – in multiple locations – with the simple click of a button. At the same time, advances in features and functionality—such as templates, apps, and widgets—have supercharged interactivity and engagement, taking digital signage to a totally new level. Taken together, these improvements make it possible for digital signage to be not just effective, but intelligent

Yodeck is the first and only intelligent digital signage platform. Yodeck makes it possible for teams to effortlessly take into consideration the location of their screens, the richness of their content and the timing of its delivery, and how their audience will interact with it. Truly intelligent digital signage ensures your customer’s screen time is optimized, memorable, and effective. 

Let’s take a closer look at how intelligent digital signage can enhance the customer experience—today, and down the line.

Enhancing customer engagement through personalization

Evolution of intelligent digital signage

Customers are savvy—and they have high expectations. They can tell when content was created thoughtfully and strategically, because it speaks to them. With the Yodeck intelligent platform, it’s easy to create content that’s personalized to the situation or use case at-hand. We offer an unmatched content library, with templates for every industry under the sun. Whether you’re looking to inform viewers or upsell them, we make it easy for you to tailor templates to your organization’s branding and voice.

With unrivaled  ease-of-use and a deep  content library, Yodeck is in a league of its own. With such an intelligent platform, you can be sure that your content will fuel a desirable customer experience. You can make text and image changes right in the layout editor, can easily switch the screen orientation as needed, and can even create your own layouts with custom tools. 

At the same time, the ability to update and improve content in real-time makes it easier than ever to react to trends or patterns in markets or customer behavior with ease and speed. By choosing an intelligent platform, you have the flexibility, control, and ease-of-use to tailor and personalize your screens so your customers feel seen and spoken to, as opposed to bombarded with content that’s neither relevant nor interesting.

Industry use cases

The Yodeck platform is the first and only intelligent digital signage offering, and it was built specifically to help customers take their communications to the next level. No matter who your audience is, it’s safe to assume they’ll light up at the prospect of greater personalization, interactivity, and customer service. 

In a healthcare setting, digital signage can help direct and calm patients waiting for their appointments. In fact, digital signage that’s used effectively in a healthcare setting has been shown to reduce both patients’ stress and perceived wait time by 35%. Visiting a healthcare facility can be extremely stressful, which is why interactive wayfaring kiosks are a great option for guiding new arrivals as well.

The retail industry is also well-suited for intelligent digital signage. When effectively deployed, it provides customers with instant updates about promotions, discounts, and offers, and it offers a more streamlined, hassle-free purchasing experience. In restaurants, hotels, and stores, intelligent digital signage offers uniform content for all locations, while allowing individual locations to customize their content as needed.

Consider the pizza company Domino’s. Most customers come to a Domino’s location to simply pick up an order. But with Yodeck, Domino’s was able to synchronize and enhance its digital content to promote in-store up-selling and cross-selling. Similarly, the hospitality group TUI uses Yodeck for its guest-facing communications. Content is not just site-specific, but highly engaging, using everything from videos to playlists.

Intelligent digital signage can address a wide range of needs for organizations, from synchronizing guest-facing content to offering around-the-clock customer service. It’s not merely that static screens are outdated; it’s that the possibilities that come with an intelligent, digital display are wide-ranging and continue to expand.

What’s next for digital signage

Evolution of intelligent digital signage

In a recent survey, three-quarters of business owners reported greater sales when they used digital screens to display their product offers. And yet, the digital nature of the display is truly just the tip of the iceberg. The evolution of digital signage from a simple content display tool to a customer-centric experience platform is well underway thanks to the numerous technological advancements.

Looking forward, expect even greater levels of personalization and more engaging content thanks to AI-powered tools, further refined distribution algorithms, and integration with emerging technology, such as holograms, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These new avenues for intelligent digital signage will enhance interactivity even more, with content that’s not just personalized, but adapts in real-time based on the user’s responses. 

Interactive digital signage already lets users engage directly with content through touchscreens, voice commands, and gestures. AI can enhance such interactions by offering customer service and recommendations in real-time. Most people are familiar with recommendation engines because of streaming services like Netflix. In fact, the company estimates that 80% of content consumption comes through its recommendation engine, which is worth a whopping $1 billion. 

As AI gets integrated into digital signage, having recommendation engines embedded in your customer-facing content will be easier than ever. Additionally, considering the rapid pace of the innovation underway, it’s helpful to be in partnership with someone who understands the nuts and bolts of existing and future technologies. By working with us, you have access to the only digital signage platform with cutting-edge features and functions, and can evolve as we do.

The bottom line

Yodeck is the first and only intelligent digital signage platform designed to be instantly scalable while requiring no technical knowledge to use. And yet, when it comes to intelligent digital signage, we’re just getting started. 

Moving from static displays to dynamic, digital content is a no-brainer. But when you choose an intelligent, purpose-built platform like Yodeck, you’re also laying the foundation for further innovation to be delivered directly to your screen. By embracing cutting-edge technologies, the Yodeck platform is laying the groundwork for the next generation of innovation. 

Already, Yodeck is dedicated to taking digital signage to the next level.  From the Yodeck content library to the Yodeck purpose-built platform, it’s never been easier to take digital displays to the next level. At the same time, we’re always looking for ways to push Yodeck forward with industry-defining features and functionalities that will set your brand apart and keep your audience engaged, informed, and entertained

If you’re curious about the potential for greater optimization, personalization, and interactivity, the Yodeck intelligent digital signage platform is the perfect place to start. The platform will evolve as you do, and will ensure your communications remain ahead of competitors’ and ahead of the curve.

Discover how Yodeck can elevate your digital signage strategy today. What are you waiting for?