Sub-Playlists [Premium & Enterprise Plans only]


With the Sub-Playlist feature, you can add playlists within your main Classic playlist.

In that way, each screen will display, for example, the main playlist, which probably has media for all screens, but each screen can have its own Sub-Playlist.

For example:

  • Screen 1 will play the Main Playlist and the Sub-Playlist, which will only have Media for Screen 1.
  • Screen 2 will play the Main Playlist and the Sub-Playlist, which will only have Media for Screen 2.
  • Screen 3 will play the Main Playlist and the Sub-Playlist, which will only have Media for Screen 3.

Adding a Sub-Playlist

To add a Sub-playlist, click the orange ”Add Playlist” button at the bottom of the Playlist list.

As a next step, select “Classic” in the pop-up window and click “Add“.

You are requested to provide:

  • the Name of the Playlist and
  • an optional Description for it

After filling in the above information, you will see an extra “Playlists” tab in the Media Selection area. You can find all the available* Playlists in your account.

Sub Playlist

Click the arrow inside the Playlist’s icon, place it inside the filmstrip, or drag and drop it using your mouse.

After you finish editing the Sub-playlist, click the ”Save” button.

Sub Playlist options

Max Items/Max Time

If you want, you can create a sub-playlist and configure “Max items” and/or “Max time” by clicking the “Options” button.

Sub-playlists Options

Then, each time the main playlist enters the Sub-playlist, it will follow your configuration. For example, based on the configuration in the image above, only one media file will be shown from the sub-playlist in each loop of the main playlist.