Table of Contents
By activating folder view, you have the potential to easily organize and manage numerous image files.
Moving from left to right, you can see your “Media Folders” on the left, the “Folder Images” in the middle and “Image Actions” / “Folder Actions” on the right.
- Media Folders. In this section, all the created folders can be viewed.
- Folder Images. The content of each selected folder is displayed in this section.
You also have the ability to search for a specific image file using the search tool.
Image Actions
1.Adding an Image(s) to a folder
To add a single image to a folder, you click on the “+ Add a New Image” button found on the right side of your screen. As a next step you are requested to type in:
– the name of the image
– an optional description for it
– with the “choose” button you select the image you want
Clicking “Save” will upload the image to the folder.
2. Editing an image in a folder
You can rename the image, change its description or simply substitute it for another image file under the same name. By doing so, the specific image will be automatically replaced by the new one in any playlist or show that it has been already added to.
3. Editing Multiple Images in a Folder (Bulk Edit)
To edit multiple images at once in a folder, check the images that you want to edit and click the Edit button in one of them. By doing so, a new window will pop up with all the settings (Remove Tags, Add tags, Play Since, Play Until).
4. Duplicating an Image FIle
Create a copy of this image file.
5. Moving selected item/image from one folder to another
With this button, you can move the image of your choice to another folder by clicking on the image, then select the new destination folder and click “move”.
6. Deleting an Image/Multiple Images from a folder
Click on the “delete image” after selecting an image to be deleted. By deleting an image from a folder, it will not be available in the portal for future use. It will be also automatically removed from any playlist or show that contains it. You can also delete multiple images. Click on the images you want and press on the delete button.
Folder Actions
1. Adding a New Folder
To add a new folder, simply click on the green button on the bottom-right side of the screen, name your folder and click “ok”. With this feature, you can create either a new folder as a Base Folder or a sub-folder in an existing folder.
2. Renaming a Folder
To rename a folder click on it first, then click on the “rename current folder” button, fill in the new name and press “ok”.
3. Moving a Folder
Click on the “move folder” action in order to move the selected item to the Base folder (if not already there) or to another folder as a sub-folder.
4. Deleting Current Folder and Contents
To delete a folder or sub-folder together with its contents/images, click on the “delete current folder and contents” button on the bottom-right side of the screen. This will permanently remove the folder and the images it contains from the Portal.