In order to provide seamless transitions, the Player performs preloading of the content that follows. Every time a content item is shown on screen, the next item in the Playlist is loaded, so that the transition is as fast as possible.
Think of a Playlist with the following contents:
- Video1
- Widget1
- Widget2
- Image1
- Widget3
Let’s say that Widget1 is on screen. For each transition between two content items (e.g. Widget1 and Widget2, in this case), the Player performs the following steps:
- Widget2 is shown on-screen.
- Widget1 is hidden off-screen.
- Widget2 is started.
- Widget1 is stopped.
- Widget1 is destroyed (resources released).
- Image1 is preloaded off-screen.
For the next transition, the same sequence will occur.
- Image1 is shown on-screen.
- Widget2 is hidden off-screen.
- Image1 is started.
- Widget2 is stopped.
- Widget2 is destroyed (resources released).
- Widget3 is preloaded off-screen.
Content transitions work (almost) the same for all content types, so you should follow these guidelines whenever you create custom Content Viewers or Custom Widgets.