Google Traffic

Google Traffic Widget

Add traffic map from Google Maps to your screens

Creating a Google Traffic App

Click on the Google Traffic app within your app gallery to add it, and fill in the app details as follows:

  1. name and an optional description are required for the app.
  2. Paste the Latitude and Longitude coordinates as they appear in your browser’s address bar. Check the next section on how to get the coordinates.
  3. Set the Zoom level.
  4. Optionally, select a Fallback Image to be displayed if the web page fails to load.
  5. Set the Default Duration so that the app will appear in a playlist.
  6. You can set the Play From/Play Until parameters. In other words, you can select the expiration date and choose the exact date and time that this app will play in your playlist. We recommend selecting the “Always” and “Forever” settings for the app never to expire.

How to get the Latitude and Longitude coordinates

Visit this page with your browser and navigate to your desired place. Check the URL address in the address bar of your browser. The first number is the Latitude, the second is the Longitude, and the third is the Zoom level you currently use.

Google Traffic app example

Google Traffic Yodeck Example


The latitude/longitude we are using is not displaying the correct location.

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