Table of Contents

Use your Google Calendar as content for your screens. Supported options include setting the time period displayed and choosing the refresh rate.
Creating a Google Calendar App
Click on the Google Calendar app within your app gallery to add it, and fill in the app details as follows:
- A Name is required for the app and an optional Description for it.
- Type an Email Address and a Password to log in to your Google Calendar account.
- 2FA Security Key: Add your 2FA Secret Key so we can generate the one-time passwords to access your content. For help on how to find it, check our guide.
- Set the refresh interval in seconds.
- Select among the various periods that you want to display.
- Optionally, add a default image to be displayed by pasting the URL of that image, when there is no image on the feed.
- Set the Default Duration so that the app will appear in a playlist.
- You can set the Availability. More details can be found in the Media Availability guide.
- Click Save and your app is ready to use.
You can also use the app if you disable 2FA authentication. Enabling 2FA/MFA and entering the security key is not mandatory.
Google Calendar App example

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