Table of Contents
This app displays graphics from the Baremetric Service
The app’s Script code
Script CodeExpand source
pause(1) type("""#user_email""", """{{email|default:'a@b.c'}}""") pause(1) type("""#user_password""", """{{password|default:'password'}}""") pause(1) clickAndWait("""#new_user > button""") pause(7) runScript(""" j(function () { function yyyymmdd(dateToConvert) { return dateToConvert.toISOString().substr(0, 10) } var todayDate = new Date(); var todayDateConverted = yyyymmdd(todayDate); var prior30Date = new Date(); var prior90Date = new Date(); var prior365Date = new Date(); var prior180Date = new Date(); var ytd = new Date("2018-01-01"); var customDate = new Date("2014-03-20"); prior30Date.setDate(prior30Date.getDate() - 30); prior90Date.setDate(prior90Date.getDate() - 90); prior180Date.setDate(prior180Date.getDate() - 180); prior365Date.setDate(prior365Date.getDate() - 365); ytd.setDate(ytd.getDate()); customDate.setDate(customDate.getDate()); var prior30dateConverted = yyyymmdd(prior30Date); var prior90dateConverted = yyyymmdd(prior90Date); var prior180dateConverted = yyyymmdd(prior180Date); var prior365dateConverted = yyyymmdd(prior365Date); var ytdConverted = yyyymmdd(ytd); var customConverted = yyyymmdd(customDate); var graph = "{{graph|default:'mrr'}}"; switch (graph) { case "mrr": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "net-revenue": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "fees": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "other-revenue": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "arpu": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "arr": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "ltv": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "user-churn": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "revenue-churn": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "quick-ratio": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "active-customers": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "new-customers": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "reactivations": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "new-subscriptions": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "active-subscriptions": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "upgrades": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "downgrades": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "cancellations": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "coupons": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "failed-charges": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; case "refunds": window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; break; default: window.location.href = "" + {{period}} + "&end_date=" + todayDateConverted; } }); """) waitForPageLoad() repeat(0){ pause({{refresh|default:60}}) refreshAndWait() runScript(""" j(".main-header, .donut-chart, .table-wrapper, .last-update, .mrr-graph, .actions, .trigger, .select2-choice, .breakout-table, .main-graph__trend, .graph-toolbar, .sub-header, .main-graph__trend, #intercom-container, .aux_charts, .metric__current, .side_note, .cohort_table.relative, .single_stat.single_stat--secondary, .graph-actions, .dunning-upsell-banner.dunning-upsell-banner--metric-page, #intercom-container").not("main-graph").each(function () { j(this).hide(); }); j(".main-graph").css({"position":"absolute","left":"50%","top":"80%","transform":"translate(-50%, 80%)","overflow-x":"hidden","zoom":"120%" }); """) }
The app’s JSON Schema
We need the declare a schema for the required configuration fields:
- email: the email of the user
- password: the password of the user
- refresh: the refresh rate of the graph
- period: the time period that you want to show the graph
- graph: the type of the graph that you want to display
JSON SchemaExpand source
{ "fields": [ "email", "password", "refresh", "period", "graph" ], "schema": { "graph": { "type": "Select", "options": [ { "val": "mrr", "label": "MRR" }, { "val": "net-revenue", "label": "Net Revenue" }, { "val": "other-revenue", "label": "Other Revenue" }, { "val": "fees", "label": "Fees" }, { "val": "arpu", "label": "ARPU" }, { "val": "arr", "label": "ARR" }, { "val": "ltv", "label": "LTV" }, { "val": "user-churn", "label": "User Churn" }, { "val": "revenue-churn", "label": "Revenue Churn" }, { "val": "quick-ratio", "label": "Quick Ratio" }, { "val": "active-customers", "label": "Active Customers" }, { "val": "new-customers", "label": "New Customers" }, { "val": "reactivations", "label": "Reactivations" }, { "val": "new-subscriptions", "label": "New Subscriptions" }, { "val": "active-subscriptions", "label": "Active Subscriptions" }, { "val": "upgrades", "label": "Upgrades" }, { "val": "downgrades", "label": "Downgrades" }, { "val": "cancellations", "label": "Cancellations" }, { "val": "coupons", "label": "Coupons" }, { "val": "failed-charges", "label": "Failed Charges" }, { "val": "refunds", "label": "Refunds" } ], "title": "Graph to show" }, "password": { "title": "Password", "type": "Password", "validators": [ "required" ] }, "email": { "title": "Email Address", "type": "Text", "validators": [ "required", "email" ] }, "refresh": { "title": "Refresh Interval (sec)", "type": "Number", "validators": [ "required" ] }, "period": { "type": "Select", "options": [ { "val": "prior30dateConverted", "label": "Last 30 days" }, { "val": "prior90dateConverted", "label": "Last 3 months" }, { "val": "prior180dateConverted", "label": "Last 6 Months" }, { "val": "prior365dateConverted", "label": "Last Year" }, { "val": "ytdConverted", "label": "Year to Today" }, { "val": "customConverted", "label": "Custom Date" } ], "title": "Report Period" } } }