Remotely access your Yodeck player by using SSH

Step-by-step procedure

  1. Download and Install Putty or a similar SSH program.
  2. Enable the “Allow SSH on the LAN” option on your player’s Advanced Security settings and click “Save“.
  3. Wait for the player to finish the Configuration first. An active message, “Configuring,” will be displayed on the bottom right side of your screen.
  4. When this message disappears, continue with the steps below.
  5. To find the IP of your Yodeck device:
    1. Log in to your Yodeck Account.
    2. Go to the Screens Section and click on the “edit” button.
    3. Go to the “Status” tab and locate the IP of your Yodeck device.

Example Image with dummy settings:

IP addresses

We use the Putty program, a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console, and network file transfer application for this example. It supports several network protocols, including SCP, SSH, and Telnet.

  1. Type the IP of your Yodeck device, as shown below.
  2. Click Open to gain remote access.
  3. Then, in the request, login asuser” and press Enter on your keyboard.
    login as user
  4. The Player’s SSH password will be requested. The password can be found in the Yodeck Portal, under the Screens Section, by clicking the “Advanced –> Security tab”.
  5. Type the password prompted as “Wifi Wizard / Remote Support Password”.
      Hashed password If the password is of this form “*****”, the password is hashed for security reasons. Do not copy-paste this text. You have to type the not-hashed password that you set earlier.
    • ⚠️If you do not remember the password you have set, retype it and click “Save.” The player needs to be Online to get the new password. You will notice a Configuring message at the bottom of your screen. After that message disappears, try to SSH the device again with your new password.
  6. Putty password
  7. Upon completing this, you should see the image below.
  8. Type sudo and any command and fill out the same password again.
run command