Current Weather

The app’s HTML code Here is the zip with the required code: The app’s JSON schema We need the declare a schema for the required configuration fields: current weather schema.jsonExpand source { "styleSettings": [ "theme", "font", "maincolor", "textcolor" ], "fields": [ "auto_detect", "location_data", "location_text", "temprature", "lang", "style_seperator", "maincolor", "textcolor", "font", "advanced_seperator" ], "meta": { […]

Daily Weather App Source Code

The app’s HTML code For the ZIP file, reach out to our support. The app’s JSON schema We need to declare a schema for the required configuration fields: daily weather schema.jsonExpand source { "meta": { "name": "Daily Weather", "documentationUrl": "/daily-weather-on-screen/", "description": "Shows current weather and the week’s forecast via Opeweather.", "details": "Display weather in a […]

Hourly Weather App Source Code

The widget’s HTML code For the ZIP file, reach out to our support. The widget’s JSON schema We need to declare a schema for the required configuration fields: Hourly weather schema.jsonExpand source { "meta": { "name": "Hourly Weather", "documentationUrl": "/hourly-weather-widget-on-screen/", "description": "Shows current weather and forecasts in three-hour increments via OpenWeather.", "details": "Display weather in […]

Power BI

Introduction Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end-users to create reports and dashboards. It is part of the Microsoft Power Platform.  In this guide, you will quickly learn how to create a Power BI app under […]

4.1.1 Images Folder View

By activating folder view, you have the potential to easily organize and manage numerous image files. Moving from left to right, you can see your “Media Folders” on the left, the “Folder Images” in the middle and “Image Actions” / “Folder Actions” on the right. Media Folders. In this section, all the created folders can […]

Audit Log

Introduction The Audit Logs show you which of your users are currently logged in to your account (or have logged in in the past) and what actions these users took. It shows details such as: what time users logged in, which media were edited, created, deleted, etc., and more information about your account. Retention Period […]

How to configure SSO with G Suite

Configure a SAML App on Google As an administrator on your Google account, log in to Google Adminand click on Apps→SAML Apps . On the apps listing page click on the plus sign at the bottom right to create a new SAML App. On the pop-up modal, click on ” Setup my own custom app […]


Display news feed from BBC. Show an RSS feed from the news site on your screens. Creating a BBC RSS app Click on the BBC RSS app within your App gallery to add it, and fill in the app details as follows: FAQ The feed that I choose from the drop-down menu displays news long […]


Display news from ESPN. Use an RSS feed from the sports news site on your screens. Creating an ESPN RSS app Click on the ESPN RSS app within your app gallery to add it, and fill in the app details as follows: FAQ The feed that I choose from the drop-down menu displays news long […]