4.3.1 Audio Assets Folder View

By activating folder view, you have the potential to easily organize and manage numerous Audio Assets. Moving from left to right, you can see your “Media Folders” on the left, the “Folder View” in the middle and “Audio Asset Actions” / “Folder Actions” on the right. Media Folders. In this section, all the created folders […]

Baremetric (sample app)

This app displays graphics from the Baremetric Service The app’s Script code Script CodeExpand source pause(1) type("""#user_email""", """{{email|default:'a@b.c'}}""") pause(1) type("""#user_password""", """{{password|default:'password'}}""") pause(1) clickAndWait("""#new_user > button""") pause(7) runScript(""" j(function () { function yyyymmdd(dateToConvert) { return dateToConvert.toISOString().substr(0, 10) } var todayDate = new Date(); var todayDateConverted = yyyymmdd(todayDate); var prior30Date = new Date(); var prior90Date = new […]

3. Making the Clock Efficient

Just like all content types in Yodeck, Widgets are pre-loaded during playback. This means that it may take several seconds (or even minutes) between loading the Widget instance on the Player’s Web Viewer, and actually getting the Widget to show on the screen. This has two effects: If your Widget is not static (e.g. you show […]

Google Calendar (Sample App)

The app’s Script code Script CodeExpand source type("""#identifierId""" , """{{email|default:'a@b.c'}}""") click("""#identifierNext""") type("""input[name="password"]""" , """{{password|default:'password'}}""") click("""#passwordNext""") pause(5) runScript(""" var period = "{{period|default:'week'}}"; switch (period) { case "day": window.location.href = "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/day?pli=1"; break; case "week": window.location.href = "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/week?pli=1"; break; case "month": window.location.href = "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/month?pli=1"; break; case "year": window.location.href = "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/year?pli=1"; break; case "schedule": window.location.href = "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/agenda?pli=1"; break; case […]


Intro The Player needs to notify the App of the current state of playback. The Player calls several hooks during playback so that the App can properly update its status. Also, the Player provides an API to allow the App to perform actions or retrieve additional information from the Player. Sequence of Calls To provide […]

Single Sign-on (SAML 2.0)

Introduction Intro The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based standard to exchange authentication and authorization information. SAML was developed by the security services technical committee of the Organization of the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). SAML allows federated systems with different management systems to interact through simplified and single sign-on exchanges. A […]


In this section, you can configure your Player’s network settings.

All Media

You can see all the uploaded files in this section regardless of the media type. Any type of media that has been uploaded to your account will be visible in the All Media section. You can also mass upload multiple files, of the same or different type, at once You can upload as many different […]

Security Policies

In this section, we provide an optional feature at the Account level that will force users to change their passwords and also specify the password length, characters, etc. Password These options provide the following fields in the Account: Session Policies Define after how much time of inactivity you want your users to be automatically logged […]