Help Icons

Give feedback or ask for Help Under the question mark “?” icon, you can find the following Help Options: By clicking on this option, a pop-up message window appears that allows you to send a message directly to our support team if you have any questions or need to give us feedback regarding the Yodeck […]

Lock Down Player [Enterprise Plan only]

Introduction By locking down the player, the below options will be disabled on your player’s settings: How to unlock the Player When deactivating this feature, a deactivation file is produced for each device affected and emailed to the Account Admins only. The deactivation file must be written on a USB flash drive. While the player is off, […]

How to add custom proxy settings per Web Page using the Advanced Player Directives

There are cases where custom proxy settings are required to access a specific web page, such as a dashboard. The rest of the player connections will not use the proxy. Consider the following example: Your dashboard on can only be accessed through the following HTTP proxy: You can configure this under the Advanced Player Directives (Screen […]

Support for LED board screens and billboards

You can use a Yodeck Player for LED screens and LED billboards. We have users running large LED displays using Yodeck Players based on Raspberry Pi. To properly use an LED display, you must perform some calculations and configurations. Step 1: Setting the DVI resolution First, you must identify what resolution your LED display (or LED board […]

4.4.1 Web Pages Folder View

By activating folder view, you have the potential to easily organize and manage numerous web pages. Moving from left to right, you can see your “Media Folders” on the left, the “Folder View” in the middle, and “Web Page Actions” / “Folder Actions” on the right. Media Folders. In this section, all the created folders […]

Custom arguments/policies for Chromium

Adding custom policies and arguments to Chromium is supported using the following Advanced Player Directives: {"PasswordManagerEnabled" : false,"PluginsAllowedForUrls" : ["https://", "https://"]}

How to configure SSO with Okta

Okta integration with Yodeck A complete step-by-step guide for configuring the Yodeck App is provided by Okta to registered users. Log in to your Okta account for further details.

12. Subscriptions & Billing

Your Subscription Information You can access your Subscription information by selecting “Account Settings” from the drop-down configuration menu in the upper-right corner and then “Account Subscription“.