Basic Info

The Basic tab based on the Player type can contain the following settings Raspberry Pi player Android player Web player BrightSign player Tizen Player webOS Player Amazon Fire OS Player Windows Player

Configuring your WiFi network using an Ethernet cable

How to connect the player to a wireless network 1. Connect the Yodeck Player to your router with an Ethernet(LAN) cable.💡One end must be connected to the Yodeck player and the other to your router/switch. 2. When the player appears online in your dashboard, enter your wireless network’s WiFi credentials in the Yodeck Portal and, […]

11. Account settings

This section lets you change any default settings and fully customize your account. You can quickly access your account by following this link or clicking the Account Settings button in the upper right corner of your browser. Account Settings Full List Below you can see a full list of the Account Settings options.

2. Overview of the Yodeck Portal

Intro The Yodeck Portal allows you to manage your content and Players. On the left side of the Yodeck Portal, the main menu provides all the navigation you need during your day-to-day usage of Yodeck. Main Menu This main menu includes the following sections: These are the sections you will use to manage your content […]

5.6 Custom Apps

To upload your own custom apps, click on ” Custom Apps ” and then on the ” Create HTML app ” or ” Create Web app ” buttons. As a next step, you can add a new App using the different options that Yodeck provides for building a Custom App of your own. Check out […]

Pushing Changes to Screens

Intro On the top right side of your Yodeck Portal Main Menu, you will find a button that will be either: Whenever you make changes within your Yodeck account, this button will turn orange and flash, saying, “Push to Players?”. After you finish making all changes to your account, you need to push the button […]

Help Icons

Give feedback or ask for Help Under the question mark “?” icon, you can find the following Help Options: By clicking on this option, a pop-up message window appears that allows you to send a message directly to our support team if you have any questions or need to give us feedback regarding the Yodeck […]

Lock Down Player [Enterprise Plan only]

Introduction By locking down the player, the below options will be disabled on your player’s settings: How to unlock the Player When deactivating this feature, a deactivation file is produced for each device affected and emailed to the Account Admins only. The deactivation file must be written on a USB flash drive. While the player is off, […]

How to add custom proxy settings per Web Page using the Advanced Player Directives

There are cases where custom proxy settings are required to access a specific web page, such as a dashboard. The rest of the player connections will not use the proxy. Consider the following example: Your dashboard on can only be accessed through the following HTTP proxy: You can configure this under the Advanced Player Directives (Screen […]