
Wireless Settings The Network tab contains the following wireless settings: Secondary WiFi With the Secondary WiFi feature, you can configure your players to have 2 WiFi connections. This means that if the primary WiFi connection drops for some reason (e.g., bad signal), the player will try to connect within seconds to the secondary configured WiFi […]

Encrypt Player Storage [Enterprise Plan only]

Introduction By enabling this option on your player, you can encrypt the entire storage partition so your content is safe. If someone steals your Player, they won’t be able to access any of your media or information outside your network, including files, passwords, and usernames. You can find this feature in the Advanced Settings under the Security tab. Encrypt Media […]

Timed Events

Set download hours You can set the exact time for the player(s) to download the new content pushed to them, for traffic management in your network. If you have enabled the above option and click “Push to players” a new message will pop up, which lets you either push the changes right now or during […]

Turned Off option – How to Turn your TV On and Off

Quick Intro You can turn the TV on and off using the special “Turned Off” option. If your TV supports the CEC Option (*check the info below) and is enabled in your TV’s settings, you can directly assign the “Turned Off” option to your device as Default Content. How to schedule the Turned Off option You […]

Date & Time

Introduction A digital clock that displays the date and time based on Player location. You can choose the colors for the digits and background for more customization. The size gets automatically adjusted to the layout zone. Creating a Date & Time app Click on the Date & Time app within your app gallery to add […]


Toggle “Auto Detect Location” to enable locating the screens’ coordinates using Geo-location based on the last public IP address of the device/player. Alternatively, use the mini-map and click on it, to set the location manually.


To configure a 3G/4G/LTE USB dongle, you will need to provide the following settings:

Building a Web App

Why develop a Web App? Web Apps are displayed on each Player, so they have several benefits over providing the same experience over an online HTML web page. Web App pros: They are online, reloading automatically and displaying the latest info. Have no CORS restrictions. You can create Apps that pull in data from any […]