Order Form for Partners

About the Place an Order Form The Place an Order form is available to both reseller and white-label partners, enabling them to prepay for the following options easily: All partners have the flexibility to prepay for terms of 1, 2, or 3 years. To access the form, click the “Place and Order” link located in […]

Yodeck Partner Network FAQ

Info Find helpful information about Yodeck’s Partner Programs and answers to frequently asked questions. Can I pay annually as a partner? Right now, our Partner’s pricing model is monthly invoicing. But annual or multi-year prepayments are also an option, and additional discounts are offered! What are the different types of Yodeck Partners? Yodeck Affiliate Affiliates […]

2.2 Site Settings

Basic Settings It can also be found here: Change branding Logo and colors (Only for Whitelabels) Basic Branding Color Specifications: hex format (#RRGGBB)Restriction: very light colors cannot be used as white text on top of this color should be readable Secondary Branding Color This color will apply on hover Specifications: hex format (#RRGGBB)Restriction: very light […]

Quick links

You can perform basic actions like those in the Quick Links section. Return to site Redirects you to your login site. Change Your Card Info View your Credit Card details, and by clicking ” Change! ” you can change your Credit Card information. Change Password Change your Partner Administrative Console password. Log Out Logs you […]

Create a Whitelabel OneDrive playlist

Step-by-step guide As a Whitelabel Partner, you can create a OneDrive playlist for your customers. The first thing that we need to do is create a Microsoft account. Please follow the below steps to accomplish that: Create a Microsoft/Live/Office365/account (or use an existing one). Visit App Registrations in Azure and click the ‹New registration›button: Fill […]

Create a Whitelabel Dropbox playlist

As a Whitelabel, you can create a Dropbox playlist for your customers. The first thing that we need to do is to create a Dropbox App into our Dropbox account. Please follow the below steps to accomplish that. Create the App App Settings Permissions Branding Connect the Dropbox App to your Site How can my […]

2.5 My Users

Can also be found here: By clicking My Users,you will see a list of the users that have been created under your accounts. If you click the name of a user, you will be prompted to a new page with that user’s details. To provide remote support to this user, you can log in and […]

How to configure the Dropbox Playlist to your client’s account

Introduction Adding a Dropbox Playlist How to add content to your Dropbox playlist Dropbox Playlist settings Further Info Introduction With our latest feature, you will be able to display your Dropbox content (images, videos, and documents) directly to your TV screen. The only thing you have to do is to upload the content of your […]

Yodeck Partner Manual

This page is part of the Yodeck Partner Manual, created for Resellers and Whitelabel Partners reselling Yodeck. If you are a user looking for information on how to use and configure Yodeck, check out the Yodeck User Manual. This is the manual for Yodeck Partners. It describes all features and configurations available to Yodeck Partners. […]