Android Limitations

Yodeck for Android comes with some limitations compared to the Yodeck Player. Particularly, the following features won’t work: There are currently some limitations. These are: Temporary Limitations

Comparison Table RPi vs Brightsign player

Brightsign player Limitations Current limitations: Feature/Specs Raspberry Pi Brightsign Display Media (Images, Videos, Audio, Documents)  ✅  ✅ Display Apps ✅ ✅ Web Apps — More details in the app compatibility table ✅ Screenshot support in portal ✅ ✅ Volume Schedules feature ✅ ✅ Emergency Alerts ✅ ✅ Media Filtering ✅ ✅ Live YouTube Video/Audio Stream […]

Setting up an Android player with the Yodeck Software

Introduction You are in the right spot if you want to create your Digital Signage player based on Android using the Yodeck software. Prerequisites Make sure that you have everything you need: Installing Yodeck on your Android Device Registering a Yodeck Android Player on your Account After seeing the registration code on your Android TV […]

Setting up a Brightsign player with the Yodeck Software

Introduction You are in the right spot if you need to create your own player based on Brightsign using the Yodeck software. Keep in mind, though, that this process requires some basic IT skills. Prerequisites Make sure that you have everything you need: Setup Option 1: BSN.clould Setup You must first download BrightAuthor Connected app, […]

Create a Yodeck player

Raspberry Pi Player Create your player based on Raspberry Pi by clicking the below button. Remember that this process requires some basic IT skills. Web Player Create your web player based on Chrome & Edge by clicking the below button. Remember that this process is available only for a Chrome/Edge browser. Brightsign Player Create your […]

Creating a Yodeck Player based on Raspberry Pi 4

Introduction You are in the right spot to create your own player. Remember, though, that this process requires some basic IT skills. Creating a Yodeck Player based on Raspberry Pi 4 To create a Yodeck Player, you need to have a Raspberry Pi. Prerequisites Make sure that you have everything you need: Some extra stuff you […]

What is the Yodeck Player?

Introduction Yodeck needs a device to handle media playback on your screen. We designed our plug-and-play device, the “Yodeck Player.” With the “Yodeck Player,” you get: Metallic Case SD Card We include a 32GB SD Card (Class 10), which is around 28GB, for media storage space.( more than 10 hours of Full HD video files and […]

Yodeck Raspberry Pi Compatibility Chart

Model Memory CPU cores/freq Max resolution Ethernet WiFi Status Raspberry Pi 5 8GB 4 x 2.4Ghz 2160p (4K) ✔️ ✔️ Beta Image – Single Playlist only(1) Raspberry Pi 5 4GB 4 x 2.4Ghz 2160p (4K) ✔️ ✔️ Beta Image – Single Playlist only(1) Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB 4 x 1.5GHz 2160p (4K) ✔️ ✔️ Recommended […]

How to Unzip the Yodeck image

Unzip files on Windows 10 Right-click on the .zip file that you want to unzip (decompress), and click on “Extract All” in the context menu. In the “Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders” dialog box, enter or browse the folder path where you want files to be extracted. Check the “Show extracted files when complete” checkbox to […]