Software Update: Let there be sound with Audio files!
Huddle around fellow Yodeckers! Because we’ve jam-packed this software update with new features that deliver a real digital signage punch.
Software update: Media and Playlists and Schedules, Oh My!
Missed us? Good! Because we’re back, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and bringing you a whole host of awesome new features for you to dive into.
How do clients really select digital signage technology?
Tech is great. We all love it – don’t we? Well, as it turns out, customers (and potential customers for that matter) don’t really value it as a key driver in choosing their digital signage technology.
Software update: Tag-based Playlists and more!
So here we are. Spring has just about sprung its last and summer is just around the corner, so we’re bringing you a bunch of new features, with Tag-based Playlists hogging the headlines.
Software update: Media Tags and more!
After last month’s extravaganza with the launch of our new Pro and Enterprise plans, plus a bunch of new features released, we decided it was time for some spring polishing up this time. So yes, media tags and more are in our latest update!
Behold, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus is here!
By the beard of Zeus! It’s here! The shiny new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus (or B+) is now available. And works with Yodeck just fine!
New Pro and Enterprise Plans now available!
Woohoo! Forgive us for being just a little bit excited but we have good reason to be.